Illustration: You are awesome

And here is the second illustration of the year! Which reminds me that I have not been writing at all these days. 

Writing and sketching have been the biggest passions that I have other than traveling, adventure sports, music, photography, movies, books, sports... okay now that is a huge list in itself. Even then I haven't been able to write anything good since quite a while now. Call it writer's block, overdose of writing or side effect of being a full time writer but the part of my heart that loves writing is suffering. Being a full time writer with a digital agency means all that I write is a part of some big picture, has some objective attached to it. Also, it needs to meet the expectations of others. That earns my bread, butter (sometimes jam as well) however it definitely doesn't quench the passion of writing for self. Let's hope I am able to get back and do justice soon. 

Meanwhile, this illustration is dedicated to all of you who have motivated me all along to continue doing whatever I think I should. It is also for those of you, who read my blog,are subscribed to it, are friends on Facebook, follow on Twitter/ Instagram/ TumblrFlickr  / / BlogLovin / Pinterest  & more. 



  1. Really nice sketch!! Keep giving out goodies to your readers! :-P

  2. Awww you shouldn't have :P
    Your blog is one of those which I check almost everyday for updates! Keep up the great work!

    & yes, the illus is pretty cool!

    1. Oh come on, you are awesome! Thank you so much Anisha. You just made my day :)


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